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Carbon Neutral Ticketing For Events

Certified Carbon Neutral Ticketing

Ticketebo cares deeply about the Environment and Climate Change. 

Tree Canopy at Rimba Raya Bio Diversity Reserve

Our Business, and all the ticketing services we deliver to patrons and organisers, has been Carbon Neutral since 2020. Ticketebo will achieve Net-Zero carbon emissions by 2030 (if not sooner).

As an Event Organiser partnering with Ticketebo to deliver ticketing for your event, you can be assured that the provision of all our ticketing products & services (both to you as the Event Organizer, and for every ticket we sell to your Patrons) are Certified Carbon Neutral.


Ticketebo’s journey to Carbon Neutral, and onward to Net-Zero:

Becoming Carbon Neutral: Surrounded by irrefutable evidence of the impact of humans on our environment, the decision for Ticketebo to become Carbon Neutral was an easy one, and unanimously supported by our team. And we didn’t just want our business to be Carbon Neutral: we wanted our business and all our services (including all the tickets we deliver to patrons each year) to be Carbon Neutral.

So we engaged leading Carbon Advisory Specialists Carbon Reduction Institute to independently audit, measure and verify our footprint, and work with us to map out our journey to becoming a Net-Zero carbon emitting business.

As a result, Ticketebo has an extensive program of change across all parts of our business, and supply chain, to reduce carbon emissions, and focus on delivering greener ticketing solutions for our customers and their patrons (such as delivering paperless tickets via SMS).
[UPDATE: in 2023, our paperless tickets removed the printing of 185,171 tickets.] 


Above & Beyond Carbon Neutral: Not satisfied with just Carbon Neutral Certification, as a business we strive to find ways to positively impact the environment.

a) More than Carbon Neutral: since 2021 we intentionally offset more carbon than our business (and all our products and services) emit. We made this decision as one of the striking impressions our event teams see on-site at events is how many patrons still print their tickets to show on arrival: and our Carbon audit showed that ticket printing is our worst source of Carbon generation across the entire business. So in addition to executing ongoing strategies to discourage the printing of tickets, Ticketebo purchases two tonnes of carbon credits for every one tonne of carbon emissions resulting from tickets sold each year. And though we don’t like that we have any carbon footprint, by adopting this approach we felt we could reduce our impact on the environment from our business of selling event tickets.

b) Trees For Change Program: Effecting Positive Climate Outcomes now: Our Trees for Change Program (launched in Dec 2021) is our tree planting program which delivers positive Environmental change for both today and the future. Through the program (which has seen us plant 0 trees to date!), patrons are encouraged to go paperless when buying their event tickets (delivering an immediate enviro-benefit of no paper or print consumable waste). And as a thank you for making that choice, Ticketebo and our Event Organisers will plant up to 3 trees for every paperless ticket order. The Program will deliver environmental benefits by increasing the world's natural carbon stores (trees) for many years to come, through actions taken today. Find out more here.


Net-Zero by 2030 Commitment: We are not stopping at Carbon Neutral Certification: Ticketebo will have a Net-Zero carbon footprint by 2030 (or sooner) across our business, products and services (including all the tickets we sell to events). We acknowledge this final step won’t be easy, but as an industry leader and corporate citizen, it is our role and responsibility to deliver this outcome and to know that our business has no carbon footprint, and that furthermore we are an enabler of change to benefit the Environment.

Rimba Raya - the world's largest privately-funded orangutan sanctuary


Who we support through our Carbon Offsets:

While we attain a Net-Zero Carbon footprint as a business, we accept we do sadly have a residual carbon footprint. To achieve Carbon Neutral Certification, Ticketebo purchases Carbon Offset credits through UNFCCC (the United Nation's Carbon Offset Platform) or VERRA Verified Carbon Standard approved projects.

To date we have chosen to offset our carbon emissions by investing in a leading Indonesian biodiversity project, and more recently in hydroelectric projects in remote low socio-economic communities in the Himalayan region of Northern India. These remote hydroelectric projects not only displace fossil fuel-based electricity generation with green energy, but bring employment and other economic and social benefits to the these under privileged communities.


Important Links, Certifications and References:
Ticketebo's Carbon Neutral Certification
Ticketebo's Carbon Footprint Report / Executive Summary FY21
Ticketebo's Carbon Footprint Report / Executive Summary FY23
Ticketebo's Certificate of Carbon Credits in Rimba Raya: FY21
Ticketebo's Certificate of Carbon Credits in Rimba Raya: FY22
Ticketebo's Certificate of Carbon Credits in Baner khad & Iku khad small hydroelectric project: FY23
Public Registry of Ticketebo's Carbon Credits FY21
Public Registry of Ticketebo's Carbon Credits FY22
Public Registry of Ticketebo's Carbon Credits FY23


Find out more information

If you would like further information about Ticketebo’s policies and programs, and how we minimise carbon emissions and support the environment, please get in touch with us on 01617 680 580 or email us today on service@ticketebo.co.uk